Let Me Help You Solve Problems and Find Solutions
The strength of teams is their success in addressing problems in complex environments. Teams have the potential for greater adaptability, productivity, and creativity beyond an individual. Team success often provides comprehensive and innovative solutions to many organizational problems.
What I Offer
Offering a variety of services focusing on collaboration and dialogue.

A licensed mechanical contractor in Michigan. Expertise in building automation and energy management. With extensive knowledge in energy audits and energy conservation.

Cooperation is fundamental when working with government projects. The sharing of knowledge and the ability to have constructive dialogue are critical to success.

Business is the key to being successful. In today’s business climate success is often linked to teams. The strength of teams is their success in addressing problems in complex environments. Teams have the potential to offer greater adaptability, productivity, and creativity than individuals. This contributes to team success in providing comprehensive and innovative solutions to organizational problems.
My Story
I, Dr. Stephen Pavlik bring 20 years of experience in business and construction. As a veteran completing two combat tours in Iraq, showed me different cultures. Completing an undergrad in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, allowed me to start as a project manager right out of college. After a few years, a change was needed and I joined the Army. Serving with the 2nd Cavalry in Iraq and then with 82 Airborne (TF 300). I then returned to college and completed my doctrine in business, with a focus on 360-degree feedback and teamwork. I can work and thrive in hands-on applications, business, and academia.